Publications & Presentations

Publications by Education Honors Students
Burchard, K.P., & Pilonieta, P. (2017). Assessing elementary boys’ interest in texts within the classroom library. New England Reading Association Journal, 52(2), 50-68.
Byker, E.J., Mejia, N., & Cruzat, M. (2020). Taking action to rewrite the world: connecting an ubuntu of consciousness with global competencies. In E. J. Byker & A. Horton’s (Eds). Elementary education: Global perspectives, challenges and issues of the 21st century. New York: Nova Science Publishing.
Eident, C., Matthews, M., Gilson, C., & Byker, E. (2022). Examining the opportunities and access to gifted programs: Unintended social and emotional consequences. UNCC Undergraduate Research Journal, 2(1), 26-45.
Frayman, F., Gilson, C. M., Starker Glass, T., & FitzPatrick, E. (2021). Practice what they preach?: How pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy in culturally relevant teaching practices aligns with their perceptions of diversity. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate Research Journal, 1, 105-130.
Gabriel, T. N., & Medina, A. L. (2022). Leadership alignment: Teachers’ and administrators’ perspectives within two schools. University of North Carolina at Charlotte Undergraduate Research Journal, 1, 105-130.
Matthews, M. S. & Rhodes, H. A. (2020). Examining identification practices and services for young advanced and gifted learners in selected North Carolina school districts. Journal of Advanced Academics, 1-25.
McNeill, H. & Polly, D. (2023). Exploring primary grades teachers’ perceptions of their students’ mathematics self-efficacy and how they differentiate instruction. Early Childhood Education Journal. 51, 79-88.
McNeill, H. & Polly, D. (2023, May). Supporting mathematically promising students in primary grades classrooms. Teaching for High Potential, 12-13.
Polly, D., Burchard, K. P., Castillo, C., Drake, P., Horne, S., Howerton, A., Peake, S., & Schmitt, K. (2020). Examining Teacher Candidate and Teacher Research Projects and their Influence on Preparedness to Teach and Leadership. School-University Partnerships, 12(4), 36-47.
Polly, D. & Breindel, L. (2015). Comparing mathematics teaching in the United States, China, and Germany. In C. Wang, W. Ma, & C. Martin (Eds.), Comparing Education in China and the United States (pp. 149-162). Information Age Publishing.
Thomas, M. & Polly, D. (2020). The influence of visually rich technology on the writing process of elementary students. Journal of Practitioner Research, 5(1). Article 4.
Urbina, A. & Polly, D. (2017). Examining elementary school teachers’ integration of technology and enactment of TPACK in mathematics. International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 34(5), 439-451. doi:10.1108/IJILT-06-2017-0054

Presentations by Education Honors Students
Cook, N., Binns, I. C., & Alston, D. (2022, January). In-service elementary teachers’ beliefs about scientists. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Greenville, SC.
Gabriel, T., & Medina, A. L. (2022, April 21-22). Teachers’ and Principals’ Perspectives of Leadership: A Search for Within-School Alignment [Poster]. 10th Annual UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Research Conference. Charlotte, NC.
Gabriel, T., & Medina, A. L. (2022, April 7). Administrative leadership efforts in school-qide reform [Poster]. Cato College of Education Research Symposium. Charlotte, NC.
Wright, B., & Cash, A. (2023, April 3). Educational policies and practices related to documentation status [Poster]. Cato College of Education Research Symposium, Charlotte, NC.