Overview of the Education Honors Program

Education Honors Program: Overview of Process & Curriculum
The general process for the Education Honors Program can be found below in the flowchart. More details about the program requirements are located in the Education Honors Program handbook.

The Science of Education
The Honors Program includes a focus on research which is important to understand for anyone going into the field of education. Check out this video by Dr. Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell as she introduces you to the science of education and the Honors Program (2:39 min).
Honors Program Requirements
To qualify for graduation with the Education Honors Program recognition at graduation, a candidate must:
- Demonstrate OR have the potential for high task commitment, achievement, and/or creativity in an area of study, research, leadership, or service;
- Be formally admitted to the Education Honors Program;
- Complete and pass RSCH 4101 – Research Methods
- Complete and pass EDUC 3789 – Seminar: Honors in Education. In EDUC 3789, candidates propose and defend their plan for their Capstone Project. The project will depend on which Honors track they choose: Research Thesis, Service/ Experiential Learning, or Study Abroad* (See #5 or the course descriptions below);
- Complete and pass the capstone course** associated with the selected Honors track (EDUC 3790 – Honors Thesis in Education; CUYC 3600 – Community Engagement Capstone Seminar; or EDUC 4201 – Global Education Theory & Practice Seminar).
- Submit a written report to the Honors Project Review Committee;
- Orally present and defend the Honors Project before the Honors Project Review Committee (i.e., research advisor, thesis reader and any invited guests);
- File for honors candidacy with the Education Honors Committee and the Honors College in accordance with guidelines set by the Honors Council and the Cato College of Education https://honorscollege.charlottewp.psapp.dev/about-us/how-apply and
- Maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in all UNC Charlotte coursework and a 3.2 GPA for all honors courses. NOTE: This applies to all incoming students new to the university starting in Fall of 2024. Current Education Honors students may petition to have the new requirement apply to their program.
*Requires candidate to complete a study abroad or equivalent domestic experience
**It is required that this occurs prior to student teaching
Course Descriptions
Candidates take the following 3 required courses.
#1: RSCH 4101 – Research Methods (3 credits)
An orientation to designs and procedures utilized in educational research, emphasizing basic principles for conducting research, interpreting and evaluating published articles representative of educational problems and issues. [online]
#2: EDUC 3789 – Seminar: Honors in Education (3 credits)
The seminar prepares Honors students for a successful Honors project by introducing them to the Honors in Education program and by helping them identify an appropriate committee chair and reader. The seminar also covers guidelines for preparing an Honors project, including appropriate designs and themes. The course culminates in the presentation and defense of an acceptable Honors project proposal. [Prerequisite: admission to the Honors in Education program.]
#3: Track Options (Select 1)
To encourage student choice and tap into diverse interests, we are piloting three capstone course options: (1) a traditional research thesis, (2) community service project, or (3) study abroad option. All three pathways will require implementation of research respective of the course. Options are subject to change depending on student enrollment and course availability.
EDUC 3790 – Honors Thesis in Education (3 credits)
Honors students conduct their research and data analysis, and they write and defend their thesis before their honors committee. A grade of A is required for honors recognition from UNC Charlotte. The thesis must be approved and substantially completed (only minor editorial revisions may remain) prior to the student teaching seminar.
CUYC 3600 – Community Engagement Capstone Seminar (3 credits)
Provides a culminating and comprehensive experience for students in the Minor in Urban Youth and Communities. Students synthesize the interdisciplinary theory and experiential learning around urban youth and education, communities, and social justice into a comprehensive community and school-based project lead by the student using practices of participatory action research.
EDUC 4201 – Education and Globalization: Theory and Practice Seminar (3 credits)
Students showcase global issues that impact local teaching and learning ideals researched in EDUC 4200 and address action steps toward potential solutions. The course is writing and public speaking intensive, as the seminar prepares candidates to develop a presentation and present it before an audience of faculty, community members, and students. The purpose of the showcase is for candidates to disseminate knowledge gained during their in-depth exploration on a topic related to learning in a globalized educational context (initiated in EDUC 4200 and further explored during their study abroad/local experience). The aim of the showcase presentation is to educate and inform the audience and begin to advocate for global education.
NOTE: If the EDUC 3789 and EDUC 3790 courses are not yet listed in Banner, this is because the courses will be added as soon as we have students approved to take them. The Honors in Education Committee encourages honors course instructors to be responsive to participating students’ existing scheduling needs.